


cPanel lets you create email addresses at the domains hosted on your account. To Add Email...


After adding email accounts, you can use cPanel's tools to configure your email client to access...

 Configuring Apple Mail

Apple Mail, or Mac Mail, is the built-in email program that comes with your Mac...

 Creating a forwarder in cPanel

Log into the cPanel. Navigate to the Mail > Forwarders section. On the forwarders page,...

 Email on Webmail

There are several ways you can check your email. For example, you can setup a desktop email...

 Filter Spam Emails with SpamAssasin

Apache SpamAssassin is a user-friendly email utility which examines incoming mail for different...

 Google Mail Fetcher setup for cPanel email account

Google Mail Fetcher functionality allows you to add your cPanel email account into Gmail...

 How to Change an Email Password in cPanel and Webmail

Steps to change an email password in cPanel Visit   and Login...

 Importing your Domain Email Account into Gmail.

If you are using Gmail, you can import your domain email account into your Gmail account...

 Mac Mail

Mac Mail Tutorial This tutorial will help you setup your Mac Mail client with your FauluHOST's...

 Microsoft Outlook IMAP to POP3 Account

Microsoft Outlook IMAP to POP3 Account IMAP account is difficult to manage because many hosts do...

 Outlook 2010: The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Error Message: The server you are connected to is using a...

 Outlook Email Authentication

 If you are receiving "550 Access denied - Invalid HELO name" (or a similar error message) in...

 Receive and Send Emails On Your Mobile.

You can easily connect any email account to your iOS and Android device You are setting up an...

 Things You Can Do to Prevent Spam

Regardless, you're probably frustrated by unwanted mail and want to do something about it. Rest...

 cPanel email account setup in Outlook 2019

cPanel email account setup in Outlook ... This tutorial will help you to add a new or...