After adding email accounts, you can use cPanel's tools to configure your email client to access the account.

To Configure Your cPanel Email Addresses with Mail Clients

  1. Go to, where is your domain name.
  2. Log in to your email address.
  3. Click Configure Mail Client.
  4. Next to the mail client you want to use, click the link in the Protocols column.
  5. Follow any instructions or run any files that download to complete the configuration.

If the mail client or device you want to use isn't listed, you can use the Manual Settings listed toward the bottom of the page.

Typical Server Settings for Outlook and Other Email Clients

If you can't access the cPanel interface to complete these steps, these are the typical settings it uses:

Username Your email address
Password Your email account's password
Incoming Server mail.[your domain name]
Incoming Ports IMAP — 143 
POP — 110
Outgoing Server mail.[your domain name]
SMTP (Outgoing) Port 25 (587 or 80 might also work)

Authentication is required for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.

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